I am not a constitutional scholar. However, my ears have heard many parts of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. From what I have learned, our government builds on the foundation that was laid by the Magna Carta.
No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.
—Article 39, Magna Carta (1215)
Our form of government has served us well. At its heart is the rule of law designed by the framers of the Constitution to “ensure that no one person is able to gain absolute power and stand above the law.” In theory that means that the same person cannot control the Legislative, Judicial and the Executive Branches. The rule of law only works when most people respect the law and obey the law. When someone breaks the law and shows no respect for the process, then the challenge for our system is to bring that person to justice and restore faith in the process.
Unfortunately, what we face now is a Supreme Court stuffed with justices more politically inclined than any time in recent memory. We also have seen a number of less qualified judges make questionable rulings. If we couple that with the supine republican House of Representatives being more aligned with the interests of Russia than America, we have a problem. Fortunately, the problem is on trial but his disrespect, intimidation, and threats are shaking the foundations of justice. He must be held accountable for his many crimes against our country. Urging the storming of our Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power cannot be tolerated. #tabbycats